1955 Vogue Ginny MLW Kinder Crowd 24

1955 Vogue Ginny MLW Kinder Crowd 24
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From my personal collection is this beautiful 1955 Vogue Ginny MLW with soft brunette flip and the more desirable flat bangs. A large red satin bow sits on top and is attached with a straight pin. Ginny has vibrant cheeks, pretty blue eyes that open and close and red lips. Her body is clean & odor free with the small exception, of light red stains on the bottoms of her feet from the red socks (not visible obviously when she's wearing shoes and socks!). Her walker works perfectly and her arms hold a pose. She is marked on her back GINNY/VOGUE DOLLS/IN/PAT NO 2687594/MADE IN USA.

Ginny is wearing a tagged "Kinder Crowd" #24 outfit consisting of a crisp, red & white organdy dress trimmed in lace and matching red organdy bloomers. White marked shoes with nylon red socks and a signature purse. 

Pictured on p.136 of 2nd edition of the "The Collector's Encyclopedia of Vogue Dolls" by Judith Izen and Carol Stover
